Total Area of Tiles (m2) | 46,964,339.89 |
Sum of Area of Per-Tile as Determined by Scan (m2) | 46,964,339.89 |
Total Number of Bytes on Disk | 675,310,315 |
Total Number of Points as Reported in Headers | 265,443,821 |
Total Number of Points as Determined by Scan | 265,443,821 |
Mean Point Density as Reported in Headers (points/m2) | 5.65 |
Mean Point Density as Determined by Scan (points/m2) | 5.65 |
LAS Versions Processed | 1.2 (55 files) |
LAS File Types Processed | LAZ (55 files) |
LAS File Signatures Processed | LASF (55 files) |
File Breakdown by Source ID |
0: 55 file(s) |
File Breakdown by System ID |
LAStools (c) by Martin Isenburg: 55 file(s) |
File Breakdown by Generating Software ID |
las2las (version 120813): 55 file(s) |
Point Breakdown by Return (return: header / actual) |
1: 264,840,875 / 264,840,875 2: 593,009 / 593,009 3: 9,864 / 9,864 4: 73 / 73 5: 0 / 0 |
Point Breakdown by Pulse (pulse: actual) |
1: 264,247,847 2: 1,166,309 3: 29,373 4: 292 5: 0 |
Point Breakdown by Classification (class: name: points) |
1: Unclassified: 265,443,098 7: Low Point (noise): 723 |
File Breakdown by Coordinate Reference System |
55 files of type [Projected Coordinate System] Horizontal CRS: NAD83 / UTM zone 11N [metre] Vertical CRS: NAVD88 height [metre] |
X positions | yes |
Y positions | yes |
Z positions | yes |
Intensity | yes |
Return Number | yes |
Number of Returns | yes |
Scan Direction Flag | yes |
Edge of Flight Line | yes |
Classification | yes |
Scan Angle Rank | yes |
User Data | yes |
Point Source ID | yes |
GPS Time | yes |
Time | 326,938.90, 337,004.04 |
Return Number | 1, 4 |
Return Count | 1, 4 |
Flightline Edge | 0, 1 |
Intensity | 5, 8160 |
Scan Direction Flag | 0, 1 |
Scan Angle Rank | -24, 20 |
Classification | 1, 7 |
Point Source ID | 1, 38 |
User Data | 0, 0 |
Minimum RGB Colors | 0, 0, 0 |
Maximum RGB Colors | 0, 0, 0 |
File Creation Day | 87, 87 |
File Creation Year | 2012, 2012 |
Bounding Box of Tiles | (617000, 3842555.62), (623622.08, 3849999.99) |
Z-Axis Values | 887.21, 1832.46 |
Bounding Box of All Points | (617000, 3842555.62), (623622.08, 3849999.99) |
Z-Axis Values | 887.21, 1832.46 |
# | fileName | fcYear | fcDay | isCompressed | bytes | softwareID |
1 | ot_619000_3842000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 3,461,436 | las2las (version 120813) |
2 | ot_623000_3848000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 3,624,685 | las2las (version 120813) |
3 | ot_618000_3843000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 17,040,909 | las2las (version 120813) |
4 | ot_620000_3848000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 20,056,867 | las2las (version 120813) |
5 | ot_618000_3846000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 17,764,076 | las2las (version 120813) |
6 | ot_618000_3847000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 18,876,856 | las2las (version 120813) |
7 | ot_623000_3847000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 3,976,682 | las2las (version 120813) |
8 | ot_622000_3845000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 13,845,436 | las2las (version 120813) |
9 | ot_622000_3848000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 13,634,261 | las2las (version 120813) |
10 | ot_617000_3845000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 8,157,962 | las2las (version 120813) |
11 | ot_622000_3846000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 13,206,905 | las2las (version 120813) |
12 | ot_621000_3849000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 13,553,551 | las2las (version 120813) |
13 | ot_620000_3847000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 20,995,215 | las2las (version 120813) |
14 | ot_619000_3844000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 16,445,456 | las2las (version 120813) |
15 | ot_620000_3849000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 12,625,664 | las2las (version 120813) |
16 | ot_618000_3844000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 15,980,220 | las2las (version 120813) |
17 | ot_623000_3844000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 4,152,970 | las2las (version 120813) |
18 | ot_621000_3847000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 22,264,210 | las2las (version 120813) |
19 | ot_621000_3845000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 18,326,481 | las2las (version 120813) |
20 | ot_621000_3844000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 16,971,089 | las2las (version 120813) |
21 | ot_620000_3844000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 16,545,451 | las2las (version 120813) |
22 | ot_617000_3848000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 12,129,858 | las2las (version 120813) |
23 | ot_621000_3846000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 19,278,114 | las2las (version 120813) |
24 | ot_618000_3849000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 10,720,450 | las2las (version 120813) |
25 | ot_623000_3846000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 3,530,709 | las2las (version 120813) |
26 | ot_620000_3842000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 3,209,192 | las2las (version 120813) |
27 | ot_617000_3846000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 8,112,024 | las2las (version 120813) |
28 | ot_623000_3843000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 3,937,133 | las2las (version 120813) |
29 | ot_622000_3849000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 7,358,218 | las2las (version 120813) |
30 | ot_621000_3848000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 19,265,241 | las2las (version 120813) |
31 | ot_620000_3843000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 16,607,441 | las2las (version 120813) |
32 | ot_622000_3844000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 14,407,276 | las2las (version 120813) |
33 | ot_620000_3845000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 17,034,461 | las2las (version 120813) |
34 | ot_617000_3843000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 8,916,954 | las2las (version 120813) |
35 | ot_618000_3842000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 3,476,451 | las2las (version 120813) |
36 | ot_618000_3848000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 18,689,978 | las2las (version 120813) |
37 | ot_617000_3844000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 8,244,823 | las2las (version 120813) |
38 | ot_619000_3848000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 19,070,702 | las2las (version 120813) |
39 | ot_619000_3847000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 18,045,905 | las2las (version 120813) |
40 | ot_617000_3842000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 2,405,398 | las2las (version 120813) |
41 | ot_623000_3845000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 3,490,022 | las2las (version 120813) |
42 | ot_621000_3843000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 16,675,674 | las2las (version 120813) |
43 | ot_619000_3846000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 17,186,567 | las2las (version 120813) |
44 | ot_619000_3843000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 17,087,520 | las2las (version 120813) |
45 | ot_622000_3842000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 1,857,452 | las2las (version 120813) |
46 | ot_617000_3847000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 11,596,539 | las2las (version 120813) |
47 | ot_620000_3846000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 18,840,500 | las2las (version 120813) |
48 | ot_621000_3842000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 3,254,200 | las2las (version 120813) |
49 | ot_622000_3847000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 14,321,406 | las2las (version 120813) |
50 | ot_617000_3849000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 6,465,332 | las2las (version 120813) |
51 | ot_618000_3845000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 15,466,089 | las2las (version 120813) |
52 | ot_619000_3849000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 10,615,478 | las2las (version 120813) |
53 | ot_622000_3843000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 15,396,392 | las2las (version 120813) |
54 | ot_623000_3849000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 2,528,320 | las2las (version 120813) |
55 | ot_619000_3845000_1.laz | 2012 | 87 | true | 14,582,114 | las2las (version 120813) |
# | FileName | PointCount | minX | minY | minZ | maxX | maxY | maxZ | Area | Density |
1 | ot_619000_3842000_1.laz | 1,486,161 | 619,000 | 3,842,555.62 | 887.21 | 619,999.99 | 3,842,999.99 | 917.54 | 444,365.56 | 3.34 |
2 | ot_623000_3848000_1.laz | 1,571,506 | 623,000 | 3,848,000 | 1,210.54 | 623,518.27 | 3,848,999.99 | 1,268.24 | 518,264.82 | 3.03 |
3 | ot_618000_3843000_1.laz | 7,338,062 | 618,000 | 3,843,000 | 908.06 | 618,999.99 | 3,843,999.99 | 1,235.56 | 999,980 | 7.34 |
4 | ot_620000_3848000_1.laz | 7,055,914 | 620,000 | 3,848,000 | 1,220.49 | 620,999.99 | 3,848,999.99 | 1,769.95 | 999,980 | 7.06 |
5 | ot_618000_3846000_1.laz | 6,803,276 | 618,000 | 3,846,000 | 1,088.53 | 618,999.99 | 3,846,999.99 | 1,387.23 | 999,980 | 6.80 |
6 | ot_618000_3847000_1.laz | 6,966,159 | 618,000 | 3,847,000 | 1,126.06 | 618,999.99 | 3,847,999.99 | 1,575.96 | 999,980 | 6.97 |
7 | ot_623000_3847000_1.laz | 1,744,088 | 623,000 | 3,847,000 | 1,153.51 | 623,522.73 | 3,847,999.99 | 1,215.90 | 522,724.77 | 3.34 |
8 | ot_622000_3845000_1.laz | 5,930,261 | 622,000 | 3,845,000 | 1,024.40 | 622,999.99 | 3,845,999.99 | 1,317.35 | 999,980 | 5.93 |
9 | ot_622000_3848000_1.laz | 5,823,346 | 622,000 | 3,848,000 | 1,215.40 | 622,999.99 | 3,848,999.99 | 1,299.68 | 999,980 | 5.82 |
10 | ot_617000_3845000_1.laz | 3,549,593 | 617,000 | 3,845,000 | 1,027.90 | 617,999.99 | 3,845,999.99 | 1,453.44 | 999,980 | 3.55 |
11 | ot_622000_3846000_1.laz | 5,724,255 | 622,000 | 3,846,000 | 1,087.14 | 622,999.99 | 3,846,999.99 | 1,168.97 | 999,980 | 5.72 |
12 | ot_621000_3849000_1.laz | 4,637,474 | 621,000 | 3,849,000 | 1,290.79 | 621,999.99 | 3,849,999.99 | 1,801.66 | 999,980 | 4.64 |
13 | ot_620000_3847000_1.laz | 7,190,938 | 620,000 | 3,847,000 | 1,137.50 | 620,999.99 | 3,847,999.99 | 1,443.27 | 999,980 | 7.19 |
14 | ot_619000_3844000_1.laz | 7,061,421 | 619,000 | 3,844,000 | 957.34 | 619,999.99 | 3,844,999.99 | 1,028.04 | 999,980 | 7.06 |
15 | ot_620000_3849000_1.laz | 4,296,993 | 620,000 | 3,849,000 | 1,533.63 | 620,999.99 | 3,849,999.99 | 1,825.29 | 999,980 | 4.30 |
16 | ot_618000_3844000_1.laz | 6,898,292 | 618,000 | 3,844,000 | 963.18 | 618,999.99 | 3,844,999.99 | 1,281.36 | 999,980 | 6.90 |
17 | ot_623000_3844000_1.laz | 1,686,032 | 623,000 | 3,844,000 | 994.33 | 623,505.01 | 3,844,999.99 | 1,142.38 | 505,004.95 | 3.34 |
18 | ot_621000_3847000_1.laz | 7,739,146 | 621,000 | 3,847,000 | 1,134.64 | 621,999.99 | 3,847,999.99 | 1,470.59 | 999,980 | 7.74 |
19 | ot_621000_3845000_1.laz | 7,172,374 | 621,000 | 3,845,000 | 1,004.05 | 621,999.99 | 3,845,999.99 | 1,234.38 | 999,980 | 7.17 |
20 | ot_621000_3844000_1.laz | 7,127,451 | 621,000 | 3,844,000 | 950.39 | 621,999.99 | 3,844,999.99 | 1,030.68 | 999,980 | 7.13 |
21 | ot_620000_3844000_1.laz | 6,828,392 | 620,000 | 3,844,000 | 952.08 | 620,999.99 | 3,844,999.99 | 1,039.53 | 999,980 | 6.83 |
22 | ot_617000_3848000_1.laz | 4,149,602 | 617,000 | 3,848,000 | 1,276.73 | 617,999.99 | 3,848,999.99 | 1,671.72 | 999,980 | 4.15 |
23 | ot_621000_3846000_1.laz | 7,422,758 | 621,000 | 3,846,000 | 1,067.20 | 621,999.99 | 3,846,999.99 | 1,423.86 | 999,980 | 7.42 |
24 | ot_618000_3849000_1.laz | 3,640,783 | 618,000 | 3,849,000 | 1,334.33 | 618,999.99 | 3,849,759.96 | 1,620.96 | 759,952.40 | 4.79 |
25 | ot_623000_3846000_1.laz | 1,524,204 | 623,000 | 3,846,000 | 1,098.74 | 623,458.04 | 3,846,999.99 | 1,159.48 | 458,035.42 | 3.33 |
26 | ot_620000_3842000_1.laz | 1,366,714 | 620,000 | 3,842,581.36 | 889.78 | 620,999.99 | 3,842,999.99 | 1,035.69 | 418,625.81 | 3.26 |
27 | ot_617000_3846000_1.laz | 3,243,187 | 617,003.15 | 3,846,000 | 1,091.95 | 617,999.99 | 3,846,999.99 | 1,292.34 | 996,830.03 | 3.25 |
28 | ot_623000_3843000_1.laz | 1,625,403 | 623,000 | 3,843,000 | 956.53 | 623,514.09 | 3,843,999.99 | 1,066.53 | 514,084.86 | 3.16 |
29 | ot_622000_3849000_1.laz | 2,877,076 | 622,000 | 3,849,000 | 1,266.36 | 622,999.99 | 3,849,861.90 | 1,411.75 | 861,891.38 | 3.34 |
30 | ot_621000_3848000_1.laz | 7,042,429 | 621,000 | 3,848,000 | 1,249.25 | 621,999.99 | 3,848,999.99 | 1,597.57 | 999,980 | 7.04 |
31 | ot_620000_3843000_1.laz | 7,266,608 | 620,000 | 3,843,000 | 905.37 | 620,999.99 | 3,843,999.99 | 1,189.13 | 999,980 | 7.27 |
32 | ot_622000_3844000_1.laz | 6,187,986 | 622,000 | 3,844,000 | 969.31 | 622,999.99 | 3,844,999.99 | 1,049.91 | 999,980 | 6.19 |
33 | ot_620000_3845000_1.laz | 6,425,422 | 620,000 | 3,845,000 | 984.01 | 620,999.99 | 3,845,999.99 | 1,113.26 | 999,980 | 6.43 |
34 | ot_617000_3843000_1.laz | 3,872,757 | 617,000 | 3,843,000 | 912.13 | 617,999.99 | 3,843,999.99 | 1,245.21 | 999,980 | 3.87 |
35 | ot_618000_3842000_1.laz | 1,510,306 | 618,000 | 3,842,591.86 | 888.75 | 618,999.99 | 3,842,999.99 | 1,291.96 | 408,125.92 | 3.70 |
36 | ot_618000_3848000_1.laz | 6,581,579 | 618,000 | 3,848,000 | 1,194.69 | 618,999.99 | 3,848,999.99 | 1,654.87 | 999,980 | 6.58 |
37 | ot_617000_3844000_1.laz | 3,606,269 | 617,000 | 3,844,000 | 968.91 | 617,999.99 | 3,844,999.99 | 1,040.50 | 999,980 | 3.61 |
38 | ot_619000_3848000_1.laz | 6,675,078 | 619,000 | 3,848,000 | 1,219.80 | 619,999.99 | 3,848,999.99 | 1,640.67 | 999,980 | 6.68 |
39 | ot_619000_3847000_1.laz | 6,894,385 | 619,000 | 3,847,000 | 1,123.43 | 619,999.99 | 3,847,999.99 | 1,309.96 | 999,980 | 6.89 |
40 | ot_617000_3842000_1.laz | 1,082,156 | 617,051.29 | 3,842,572.81 | 895.25 | 617,999.99 | 3,842,999.99 | 920.53 | 405,265.67 | 2.67 |
41 | ot_623000_3845000_1.laz | 1,486,839 | 623,000 | 3,845,000 | 1,034.30 | 623,622.08 | 3,845,999.99 | 1,102.76 | 622,073.78 | 2.39 |
42 | ot_621000_3843000_1.laz | 7,282,090 | 621,000 | 3,843,000 | 909.15 | 621,999.99 | 3,843,999.99 | 1,247.98 | 999,980 | 7.28 |
43 | ot_619000_3846000_1.laz | 6,853,972 | 619,000 | 3,846,000 | 1,062.45 | 619,999.99 | 3,846,999.99 | 1,232.03 | 999,980 | 6.85 |
44 | ot_619000_3843000_1.laz | 7,364,032 | 619,000 | 3,843,000 | 908.25 | 619,999.99 | 3,843,999.99 | 989.38 | 999,980 | 7.36 |
45 | ot_622000_3842000_1.laz | 761,225 | 622,000 | 3,842,620.13 | 897.61 | 622,999.99 | 3,842,999.99 | 1,022.08 | 379,856.20 | 2 |
46 | ot_617000_3847000_1.laz | 4,063,429 | 617,000 | 3,847,000 | 1,175.03 | 617,999.99 | 3,847,999.99 | 1,387.09 | 999,980 | 4.06 |
47 | ot_620000_3846000_1.laz | 6,960,651 | 620,000 | 3,846,000 | 1,058.41 | 620,999.99 | 3,846,999.99 | 1,394.25 | 999,980 | 6.96 |
48 | ot_621000_3842000_1.laz | 1,378,616 | 621,000 | 3,842,618.86 | 891.56 | 621,999.99 | 3,842,999.99 | 1,015.65 | 381,126.19 | 3.62 |
49 | ot_622000_3847000_1.laz | 6,169,541 | 622,000 | 3,847,000 | 1,135.55 | 622,999.99 | 3,847,999.99 | 1,249.51 | 999,980 | 6.17 |
50 | ot_617000_3849000_1.laz | 2,267,417 | 617,000 | 3,849,000 | 1,365.21 | 617,999.99 | 3,849,709.79 | 1,819.13 | 709,782.90 | 3.19 |
51 | ot_618000_3845000_1.laz | 6,259,818 | 618,000 | 3,845,000 | 1,020.86 | 618,999.99 | 3,845,999.99 | 1,462.20 | 999,980 | 6.26 |
52 | ot_619000_3849000_1.laz | 3,540,326 | 619,000 | 3,849,000 | 1,465.96 | 619,999.99 | 3,849,698.43 | 1,832.46 | 698,423.02 | 5.07 |
53 | ot_622000_3843000_1.laz | 6,313,733 | 622,000 | 3,843,000 | 925.88 | 622,999.99 | 3,843,999.99 | 1,141.71 | 999,980 | 6.31 |
54 | ot_623000_3849000_1.laz | 950,990 | 623,000 | 3,849,000 | 1,261.90 | 623,518.52 | 3,849,695.53 | 1,404.65 | 360,646.22 | 2.64 |
55 | ot_619000_3845000_1.laz | 6,165,306 | 619,000 | 3,845,000 | 1,007.95 | 619,999.99 | 3,845,999.99 | 1,152.90 | 999,980 | 6.17 |
# | FileName | PointCount | minX | minY | minZ | maxX | maxY | maxZ | Area | Density |
1 | ot_619000_3842000_1.laz | 1,486,161 | 619,000 | 3,842,555.62 | 887.21 | 619,999.99 | 3,842,999.99 | 917.54 | 444,365.56 | 3.34 |
2 | ot_623000_3848000_1.laz | 1,571,506 | 623,000 | 3,848,000 | 1,210.54 | 623,518.27 | 3,848,999.99 | 1,268.24 | 518,264.82 | 3.03 |
3 | ot_618000_3843000_1.laz | 7,338,062 | 618,000 | 3,843,000 | 908.06 | 618,999.99 | 3,843,999.99 | 1,235.56 | 999,980 | 7.34 |
4 | ot_620000_3848000_1.laz | 7,055,914 | 620,000 | 3,848,000 | 1,220.49 | 620,999.99 | 3,848,999.99 | 1,769.95 | 999,980 | 7.06 |
5 | ot_618000_3846000_1.laz | 6,803,276 | 618,000 | 3,846,000 | 1,088.53 | 618,999.99 | 3,846,999.99 | 1,387.23 | 999,980 | 6.80 |
6 | ot_618000_3847000_1.laz | 6,966,159 | 618,000 | 3,847,000 | 1,126.06 | 618,999.99 | 3,847,999.99 | 1,575.96 | 999,980 | 6.97 |
7 | ot_623000_3847000_1.laz | 1,744,088 | 623,000 | 3,847,000 | 1,153.51 | 623,522.73 | 3,847,999.99 | 1,215.90 | 522,724.77 | 3.34 |
8 | ot_622000_3845000_1.laz | 5,930,261 | 622,000 | 3,845,000 | 1,024.40 | 622,999.99 | 3,845,999.99 | 1,317.35 | 999,980 | 5.93 |
9 | ot_622000_3848000_1.laz | 5,823,346 | 622,000 | 3,848,000 | 1,215.40 | 622,999.99 | 3,848,999.99 | 1,299.68 | 999,980 | 5.82 |
10 | ot_617000_3845000_1.laz | 3,549,593 | 617,000 | 3,845,000 | 1,027.90 | 617,999.99 | 3,845,999.99 | 1,453.44 | 999,980 | 3.55 |
11 | ot_622000_3846000_1.laz | 5,724,255 | 622,000 | 3,846,000 | 1,087.14 | 622,999.99 | 3,846,999.99 | 1,168.97 | 999,980 | 5.72 |
12 | ot_621000_3849000_1.laz | 4,637,474 | 621,000 | 3,849,000 | 1,290.79 | 621,999.99 | 3,849,999.99 | 1,801.66 | 999,980 | 4.64 |
13 | ot_620000_3847000_1.laz | 7,190,938 | 620,000 | 3,847,000 | 1,137.50 | 620,999.99 | 3,847,999.99 | 1,443.27 | 999,980 | 7.19 |
14 | ot_619000_3844000_1.laz | 7,061,421 | 619,000 | 3,844,000 | 957.34 | 619,999.99 | 3,844,999.99 | 1,028.04 | 999,980 | 7.06 |
15 | ot_620000_3849000_1.laz | 4,296,993 | 620,000 | 3,849,000 | 1,533.63 | 620,999.99 | 3,849,999.99 | 1,825.29 | 999,980 | 4.30 |
16 | ot_618000_3844000_1.laz | 6,898,292 | 618,000 | 3,844,000 | 963.18 | 618,999.99 | 3,844,999.99 | 1,281.36 | 999,980 | 6.90 |
17 | ot_623000_3844000_1.laz | 1,686,032 | 623,000 | 3,844,000 | 994.33 | 623,505.01 | 3,844,999.99 | 1,142.38 | 505,004.95 | 3.34 |
18 | ot_621000_3847000_1.laz | 7,739,146 | 621,000 | 3,847,000 | 1,134.64 | 621,999.99 | 3,847,999.99 | 1,470.59 | 999,980 | 7.74 |
19 | ot_621000_3845000_1.laz | 7,172,374 | 621,000 | 3,845,000 | 1,004.05 | 621,999.99 | 3,845,999.99 | 1,234.38 | 999,980 | 7.17 |
20 | ot_621000_3844000_1.laz | 7,127,451 | 621,000 | 3,844,000 | 950.39 | 621,999.99 | 3,844,999.99 | 1,030.68 | 999,980 | 7.13 |
21 | ot_620000_3844000_1.laz | 6,828,392 | 620,000 | 3,844,000 | 952.08 | 620,999.99 | 3,844,999.99 | 1,039.53 | 999,980 | 6.83 |
22 | ot_617000_3848000_1.laz | 4,149,602 | 617,000 | 3,848,000 | 1,276.73 | 617,999.99 | 3,848,999.99 | 1,671.72 | 999,980 | 4.15 |
23 | ot_621000_3846000_1.laz | 7,422,758 | 621,000 | 3,846,000 | 1,067.20 | 621,999.99 | 3,846,999.99 | 1,423.86 | 999,980 | 7.42 |
24 | ot_618000_3849000_1.laz | 3,640,783 | 618,000 | 3,849,000 | 1,334.33 | 618,999.99 | 3,849,759.96 | 1,620.96 | 759,952.40 | 4.79 |
25 | ot_623000_3846000_1.laz | 1,524,204 | 623,000 | 3,846,000 | 1,098.74 | 623,458.04 | 3,846,999.99 | 1,159.48 | 458,035.42 | 3.33 |
26 | ot_620000_3842000_1.laz | 1,366,714 | 620,000 | 3,842,581.36 | 889.78 | 620,999.99 | 3,842,999.99 | 1,035.69 | 418,625.81 | 3.26 |
27 | ot_617000_3846000_1.laz | 3,243,187 | 617,003.15 | 3,846,000 | 1,091.95 | 617,999.99 | 3,846,999.99 | 1,292.34 | 996,830.03 | 3.25 |
28 | ot_623000_3843000_1.laz | 1,625,403 | 623,000 | 3,843,000 | 956.53 | 623,514.09 | 3,843,999.99 | 1,066.53 | 514,084.86 | 3.16 |
29 | ot_622000_3849000_1.laz | 2,877,076 | 622,000 | 3,849,000 | 1,266.36 | 622,999.99 | 3,849,861.90 | 1,411.75 | 861,891.38 | 3.34 |
30 | ot_621000_3848000_1.laz | 7,042,429 | 621,000 | 3,848,000 | 1,249.25 | 621,999.99 | 3,848,999.99 | 1,597.57 | 999,980 | 7.04 |
31 | ot_620000_3843000_1.laz | 7,266,608 | 620,000 | 3,843,000 | 905.37 | 620,999.99 | 3,843,999.99 | 1,189.13 | 999,980 | 7.27 |
32 | ot_622000_3844000_1.laz | 6,187,986 | 622,000 | 3,844,000 | 969.31 | 622,999.99 | 3,844,999.99 | 1,049.91 | 999,980 | 6.19 |
33 | ot_620000_3845000_1.laz | 6,425,422 | 620,000 | 3,845,000 | 984.01 | 620,999.99 | 3,845,999.99 | 1,113.26 | 999,980 | 6.43 |
34 | ot_617000_3843000_1.laz | 3,872,757 | 617,000 | 3,843,000 | 912.13 | 617,999.99 | 3,843,999.99 | 1,245.21 | 999,980 | 3.87 |
35 | ot_618000_3842000_1.laz | 1,510,306 | 618,000 | 3,842,591.86 | 888.75 | 618,999.99 | 3,842,999.99 | 1,291.96 | 408,125.92 | 3.70 |
36 | ot_618000_3848000_1.laz | 6,581,579 | 618,000 | 3,848,000 | 1,194.69 | 618,999.99 | 3,848,999.99 | 1,654.87 | 999,980 | 6.58 |
37 | ot_617000_3844000_1.laz | 3,606,269 | 617,000 | 3,844,000 | 968.91 | 617,999.99 | 3,844,999.99 | 1,040.50 | 999,980 | 3.61 |
38 | ot_619000_3848000_1.laz | 6,675,078 | 619,000 | 3,848,000 | 1,219.80 | 619,999.99 | 3,848,999.99 | 1,640.67 | 999,980 | 6.68 |
39 | ot_619000_3847000_1.laz | 6,894,385 | 619,000 | 3,847,000 | 1,123.43 | 619,999.99 | 3,847,999.99 | 1,309.96 | 999,980 | 6.89 |
40 | ot_617000_3842000_1.laz | 1,082,156 | 617,051.29 | 3,842,572.81 | 895.25 | 617,999.99 | 3,842,999.99 | 920.53 | 405,265.67 | 2.67 |
41 | ot_623000_3845000_1.laz | 1,486,839 | 623,000 | 3,845,000 | 1,034.30 | 623,622.08 | 3,845,999.99 | 1,102.76 | 622,073.78 | 2.39 |
42 | ot_621000_3843000_1.laz | 7,282,090 | 621,000 | 3,843,000 | 909.15 | 621,999.99 | 3,843,999.99 | 1,247.98 | 999,980 | 7.28 |
43 | ot_619000_3846000_1.laz | 6,853,972 | 619,000 | 3,846,000 | 1,062.45 | 619,999.99 | 3,846,999.99 | 1,232.03 | 999,980 | 6.85 |
44 | ot_619000_3843000_1.laz | 7,364,032 | 619,000 | 3,843,000 | 908.25 | 619,999.99 | 3,843,999.99 | 989.38 | 999,980 | 7.36 |
45 | ot_622000_3842000_1.laz | 761,225 | 622,000 | 3,842,620.13 | 897.61 | 622,999.99 | 3,842,999.99 | 1,022.08 | 379,856.20 | 2 |
46 | ot_617000_3847000_1.laz | 4,063,429 | 617,000 | 3,847,000 | 1,175.03 | 617,999.99 | 3,847,999.99 | 1,387.09 | 999,980 | 4.06 |
47 | ot_620000_3846000_1.laz | 6,960,651 | 620,000 | 3,846,000 | 1,058.41 | 620,999.99 | 3,846,999.99 | 1,394.25 | 999,980 | 6.96 |
48 | ot_621000_3842000_1.laz | 1,378,616 | 621,000 | 3,842,618.86 | 891.56 | 621,999.99 | 3,842,999.99 | 1,015.65 | 381,126.19 | 3.62 |
49 | ot_622000_3847000_1.laz | 6,169,541 | 622,000 | 3,847,000 | 1,135.55 | 622,999.99 | 3,847,999.99 | 1,249.51 | 999,980 | 6.17 |
50 | ot_617000_3849000_1.laz | 2,267,417 | 617,000 | 3,849,000 | 1,365.21 | 617,999.99 | 3,849,709.79 | 1,819.13 | 709,782.90 | 3.19 |
51 | ot_618000_3845000_1.laz | 6,259,818 | 618,000 | 3,845,000 | 1,020.86 | 618,999.99 | 3,845,999.99 | 1,462.20 | 999,980 | 6.26 |
52 | ot_619000_3849000_1.laz | 3,540,326 | 619,000 | 3,849,000 | 1,465.96 | 619,999.99 | 3,849,698.43 | 1,832.46 | 698,423.02 | 5.07 |
53 | ot_622000_3843000_1.laz | 6,313,733 | 622,000 | 3,843,000 | 925.88 | 622,999.99 | 3,843,999.99 | 1,141.71 | 999,980 | 6.31 |
54 | ot_623000_3849000_1.laz | 950,990 | 623,000 | 3,849,000 | 1,261.90 | 623,518.52 | 3,849,695.53 | 1,404.65 | 360,646.22 | 2.64 |
55 | ot_619000_3845000_1.laz | 6,165,306 | 619,000 | 3,845,000 | 1,007.95 | 619,999.99 | 3,845,999.99 | 1,152.90 | 999,980 | 6.17 |
55 files use the Projected Coordinate System 'NAD83 / UTM zone 11N', measured in 'metre' These files use the vertical coordinate system 'NAVD88 height', measured in 'metre' The full text of this spatial coordinate system is as follows: <proj4>+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +geoidgrids=g2003conus.gtx ,g2003alaska.gtx,g2003h01.gtx,g2003p01.gtx +vunits=m +no_defs </proj4>< prettywkt>PROJCS["NAD83 / UTM zone 11N", GEOGCS["NAD83", DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983", SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.2572221010042, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","6269"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4269"]], PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"], PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0], PARAMETER["central_meridian",-117], PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996], PARAMETER["false_easting",500000], PARAMETER["false_northing",0], UNIT["metre",1, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","26911"]]</prettywkt><wkt>PROJCS["NAD83 / UTM zone 11N",GEOGCS["NAD83",DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983",SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6 378137,298.2572221010042,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6269"]],PRI MEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4269"]],P ROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],PARAMETER["ce ntral_meridian",-117],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["false_easting" ,500000],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","26911"]]</wkt><compoundwkt>COMPD_CS["unknown",PROJ CS["NAD83 / UTM zone 11N",GEOGCS["NAD83",DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983",SPHER OID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.2572221010042,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],AUTHORITY["EP SG","6269"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY[" EPSG","4269"]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin", 0],PARAMETER["central_meridian",-117],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],PARAMETER ["false_easting",500000],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY[ "EPSG","9001"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","26911"]],VERT_CS["NAVD88 height",VERT_DATUM["N orth American Vertical Datum 1988",2005,AUTHORITY["EPSG","5103"],EXTENSION["PROJ 4_GRIDS","g2003conus.gtx,g2003alaska.gtx,g2003h01.gtx,g2003p01.gtx"]],AXIS["Up", UP],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","5703"]]]</comp oundwkt><prettycompoundwkt>COMPD_CS["unknown", PROJCS["NAD83 / UTM zone 11N", GEOGCS["NAD83", DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983", SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.2572221010042, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","6269"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4269"]], PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"], PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0], PARAMETER["central_meridian",-117], PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996], PARAMETER["false_easting",500000], PARAMETER["false_northing",0], UNIT["metre",1, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","26911"]], VERT_CS["NAVD88 height", VERT_DATUM["North American Vertical Datum 1988",2005, AUTHORITY["EPSG","5103"], EXTENSION["PROJ4_GRIDS","g2003conus.gtx,g2003alaska.gtx,g2003h01.gt x,g2003p01.gtx"]], AXIS["Up",UP], UNIT["metre",1, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","5703"]]]</prettycompoundwkt><gtiff>Geotif f_Information: Version: 1 Key_Revision: 1.0 Tagged_Information: End_Of_Tags. Keyed_Information: GTModelTypeGeoKey (Short,1): ModelTypeProjected GTRasterTypeGeoKey (Short,1): RasterPixelIsArea GTCitationGeoKey (Ascii,31): "NAD83 / UTM zone 11N + VERT_CS" GeogCitationGeoKey (Ascii,6): "NAD83" GeogAngularUnitsGeoKey (Short,1): Angular_Degree ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey (Short,1): PCS_NAD83_UTM_zone_11N ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey (Short,1): Linear_Meter VerticalCSTypeGeoKey (Short,1): Unknown-5703 VerticalCitationGeoKey (Ascii,14): "NAVD88 height" VerticalDatumGeoKey (Short,1): Unknown-5103 VerticalUnitsGeoKey (Short,1): Linear_Meter End_Of_Keys. End_Of_Geotiff. </gtiff>